A Second Less-Capable Head and Other Rogue Stories

A Second Less-Capable Head and Other Rogue Stories

A Second Less-Capable Head and Other Rogue Stories
And Other Rogue Stories
Published by Sand Hill Review Press
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A Second Less-Capable Head offers nineteen aberrant tales first published in journals that like cutting-edge fiction. These stories, several of which were nominated for the Pushcart Prize, include a Tea Party activist who discovers that he is growing another head ("A Second Less-Capable Head"), a playboy who befriends a fiery little woman not much bigger than his thumb ("The Guest"), and a flasher who regards indecent exposure as performance art ("Exposed").

Other stories include a rape victim who, as part of a prison program, confronts her assailant in a maximum security institution ("Another Will Take Your Place"), a lonely librarian who answers a matrimonial ad from a farmer growing mutant creatures for the government ("Fruits"), and a a street thug who suffers bizarre hallucinations while trying to kill a snitch ("Hunting Bear").

The Review Review writes, "James Hanna, a former probation officer, drags us into the mindset of a rape victim and her eventual reunion with her rapist in 'Another Will Take Your Place.' 'Her fear was so erratic that it frequently felt like a bat in her hair.' That line will stay with me, as well as my admiration for the author's ability to tell a compelling story from a woman's point of view."      

Manhattan Book Reviewl writes, "The mark of an author at the peak of his literary powers, there are scant few tales that won't linger beyond the page. Without a doubt, A Second, Less Capable Head delivers one of the most powerful and cutting collection of stories you will ever read."

Midwest Book Review writes, "A sinister sense of irony pervades the stories in this perverse, darkly-fantastic anthology. Author James Hanna has a unique insight into the most bizarrely curious aspects of the human condition and does not shy from exploring these to their shockingly logical conclusions. A Second, Less Capable Head is exceptionally memorable from beginning to end!"

Manhattan Book Review rates A Second Less-Capable Head 5/5 stars. https://manhattanbookreview.com/product/a-second-less-capable-head/

Readers' Favorite Awards rates A Second Less-Capable Head 5/5 stars. https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/a-second-less-capable-head-and-other-rogue-stories

Online Book Club rates A Second Less-Capable Head 4/4 stars. https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=46234

May 7, 2016